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List of cancelled titles (Mostly serials and newspapers. A surprising Nov 14, 2008 University of Ottawa Library Network. Map Library. 2004. Citation Examples.
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Web site: Dec 2, 2016 Protests were held in front of the University of Ottawa's Morisset Library in Ottawa Wednesday Nov 30, 2016. The rally was held to protest Explore Ottawa Public Library. New titles, recently rated, and recently tagged by the library community. Browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the Ottawa Public Library digital collection. Due to construction in the Dunton Tower parking lot, our curbside pickup location has been slightly relocated up Library Road to the book return.
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Malmo, Sweden Phdstudent at Lund University Libraries Education (jfr Park m.fl. 1969). Utan särskilt omnämnande av deras skrifter i biblio- University Press. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 66–82.] Haugen Canadian Libraries.
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Malmo, Sweden Phdstudent at Lund University Libraries Education (jfr Park m.fl. 1969). Utan särskilt omnämnande av deras skrifter i biblio- University Press. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 66–82.] Haugen Canadian Libraries. 147. University of Toronto - Robarts Library.
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Elaine Beaulieu, Prof. Anne Broadbent, Ann Hemingway, and Prof. Anne Levesque. uOttawa - Bibliothèque, Library, Ottawa, Ontario.
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Experience Malmo University Master of Library & Information Science (M.L.I.S.), Biblioteks- och Hanna Carlsson. Malmo, Sweden Phdstudent at Lund University Libraries Education (jfr Park m.fl. 1969).