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The var statement declares a function-scoped or globally-scoped variable, optionally initializing it to a value. on the order of the variables: changing the order changes the VAR equations, coefficients, and residuals, and there are n!
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The above equation is referred to as a VAR (1) model, because, each equation is of order 1, that is, it contains up to one lag of each of the predictors (Y1 and Y2). Since the Y terms in the equations are interrelated, the Y’s are considered as endogenous variables, rather than as exogenous predictors. The concern about ordering in a VAR is specially due to the impulse response (IRF) specification. If you're going to use a Cholesky decomposition in order to realize your IRF then you need to take A value-added reseller (VAR) is a company that resells software, hardware and networking products and provides value beyond order fulfillment.

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