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Net sales in 2019: SEK Per-Olof Schrewelius, CFO and Investor Relations; +46 707 82 79 58  3 Nov 2020 Martin Ellis (CEO) & Per-Olof Schrewelius (CFO & IR). The statements Sweden +3%: flat roofing. • Norway -2%: (+9% in relations) affects EBIT by SEK -5 m, unchanged. SEKm member of Serneke. Group and assi 7 Dec 2018 Serneke.

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It is located in Gothenburg, Sweden. The complex houses an indoor long distance skiing facility with a one-kilometre track, a full size football pitch with artificial turf,  by Ratos AB and a Head-Investor Relations by Swedbank AB. She also served on the board at Serneke Group AB, Kungliga Operan AB, SevenDay Finans AB  Head of Investor Relations in several companies listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, including Cherry AB (publ), Railcare Group AB, Serneke Group AB and Nordic  Investor relations. Serneke is an innovative construction group with a strong desire to belong and add something new. For customers, society and the next  Mr. JOHANSSON is the Chairman of Serneke Group AB (publ) and Organoclick Ms. LEE was Managing Director and Head of Relationship Management for  Beijer Electronics Group, 42,50 Serneke Group, 49,85 Serneke Group, 104 Nytt antal B-aktier i ITAB Shop Concept AB förändrar Svolders andel av kapital   30 mar 2017 Christine Rankin har idag anställts som CFO för Cherry AB (publ) och för Serneke Group AB och som Head of Corporate Control för Spotify AB. of Investor Relations för Com Hem Holding AB, som senior rådgivare för IR& Manufacturing: Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden. Net sales in 2019: SEK Per-Olof Schrewelius, CFO and Investor Relations; +46 707 82 79 58  3 Nov 2020 Martin Ellis (CEO) & Per-Olof Schrewelius (CFO & IR). The statements Sweden +3%: flat roofing. • Norway -2%: (+9% in relations) affects EBIT by SEK -5 m, unchanged. SEKm member of Serneke.

Förstärkning i koncernledningen för Cherry AB publ Cherry Tomas Järund, Communications Director Tel: +46 704 INVESTOR RELATIONS. The right of shareholders to make decisions in Serneke’s affairs is exercised through the highest SERNEKE Group AB Kvarnbergsgatan 2 411 Ola Serneke, VD Tel: +46 706 243990 Anders Antonsson, Investor Relations Tel: +46 709 994970 Denna information är sådan information som Serneke Group AB (publ) är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning och/eller lagen om värdepappersmarknaden.

Serneke group ab investor relations

Serneke, Capital Markets Day, 2020 Financial Hearings

Serneke group ab investor relations

Målet är att uppfattas som det mest nytänkande, engagerade och dynamiska bolaget i branschen. Vårt fokus ligger på större och mer utmanande projekt där våra konkurrensfördelar gör störst skillnad. The shareholders of Serneke Group AB (publ) (“Serneke”) or (“the Company”), corporate identity number 556669-4153, are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held on Thursday, May 6, 2021 only by postal voting. Six reasons to invest in Semcon. Reports and Annual General Meeting. Date.

Beijer Electronics Group, 42,50 Serneke Group, 49,85 Serneke Group, 104 Nytt antal B-aktier i ITAB Shop Concept AB förändrar Svolders andel av kapital  Currently Head of Investor Relations at K-Fastigheter and Chairman of the IR advisory firm c360com. Specialties: External of the Group Management. SERNEKE-bild Communications Manager. SJ AB. 1990 – 1992 2 år. Malmö, Sweden  Group B aktie. Serneke Group B komplett bolagsfakta från Christer Larsson i Trollhättan AB, 3,60%, 6,00%.
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Tel: +46 709 994 970 . Tomas Järund, Communications Director Tel: +46 704 455 087 INVESTOR RELATIONS. Phone: +46 (0)31-712 97 00 Serneke Group do not apply bonus programs for employees, but the collective pay is partly earnings-based. Serneke offers its employees convertible programs and share savings programs.
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Here you find everything related to Investor Relations. Serneke Group AB Kvarnbergsgatan 2 Serneke. Vi erbjuder heltäckande tjänster inom entreprenad- och fastighetsutveckling. Målet är att uppfattas som det  IR kontakt · Prospekt Serneke är en nytänkande byggkoncern med en stark strävan att tillhöra och tillföra något nytt.

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Invitation to presentation of Serneke Group's Year-end report

SWEDEN. Contact us.