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Kate is Director of the University’s Diplomatic Studies Programme. Her interests lie in diplomacy, public international law and human rights law. Her research and publications focus on human rights law and online political discourse, counter-terrorism, human rights and sanctions law. About Diplomatic Studies Programme 2018-19 at Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY DIPLOMATIC STUDIES PROGRAMME (OUDSP) The OUDSP, also known as the Foreign Service Programme, is a course of postgraduate study, specifically designed for foreign policy practitioners, which enters its 50th year in October 2018. The Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group is an academic collaborative project that aims to further the study and practice of digital diplomacy. The group is led by Professor Corneliu Bjola (University of Oxford) working together with Jennifer Cassidy (formerly DPhil candidate, University of Oxford) and Ilan Manor (DPhil candidate, University of Oxford). Oxford has one of the largest Biochemistry departments in the world, carrying out world-class research and teaching.

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Download the brochure to read more details of this course. The International Forum on Diplomatic Training Online Space is run by DiploFoundation For IFDT-related issues, please contact Ms Nadja Wozonig For website-related issues, and to provide content, please contact Ms Mina Mudric 🎓 University of Oxford acceptance rates and statistics for MSt Diplomatic Studies for the years 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Biography Kate is Director of the University’s Diplomatic Studies Programme. Her interests lie in diplomacy, public international law and human rights law. Her research and publications focus on human rights law and online political discourse, counter-terrorism, human rights and sanctions law. The Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group is an academic collaborative project that aims to further the study and practice of digital diplomacy.


U. Diplomati og globalisering: en introduktion til Public Diplomacy. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Diplomatic studies programme oxford

PETER WALLENSTEEN - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

Diplomatic studies programme oxford

Sarah Ibrahim – MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern studies, Oxford University, Gustaf Drevin – Paul Farmer Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe, Brügge, Belgien Bertha Lutz Award, Diplomatic Studies Section, International Studies Association.

See More Sky News - Kate Jones, Director of the Diplomatic Studies Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford - Arkady Rzegocki, Polish Ambassador - Lauren Harris, President of the Diplomatic Press Attachés Association 🎓 University of Oxford acceptance rates and statistics for PgDip Diplomatic Studies for the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
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Postgraduate Diploma and Master of Studies in Diplomatic Studies are full time programmes aimed at diplomats in early-to-mid career. Global Health Diplomacy is an accredited short course for those working or considering working in the field of GHD. We also offer short courses including summer schools and online courses in Politics.

The Oxford University Diplomatic Studies Programme (DSP), formerly known as the Foreign Service Programme (FSP), is a full-time programme of mixed academic and vocational study of diplomacy and related subjects. Keens-Soper, Maurice, “Abraham de Wicquefort and Diplomatic Theory,” Diplomatic Studies Programme Discussion Paper (Leicester: Diplomatic Studies Programme, 14, February 1996). Keens-Soper , Maurice and Schweizer , Karl W. (eds.), The Art of Diplomacy: François de Callières ( New York : University Press of America, 1983 ).
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The post is based at the Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth The MSt in Diplomatic Studies is a progression course and available only if you have already completed the PGDip in Diplomatic Studies. Oxford University Foreign Service Programme, Department for Continuing Education, Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA, by mid-January of the Postgraduate Diploma academic year. 🎓 Decided this would be an interesting experience to share, so join me in my adventures at the University of Oxford. I'm here doing a Masters course in Dipl Simon Mills .