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-stånd: auxilium; subsidium (undsättning); adjumentum (tillhjelp); b. inför rätta Domine in auxilium meum respice O. Qui volt venire post me K. Fuga g-moll BWV542 18:00 Mässa (latin 1962). Mass for four voices W Byrd. hade rätt att ta auspicier aut eller autem men auxilium auxilii n. hjälp, hjälpmedel avårus avåra avårum girig ave var hälsad, goddag Ave gråtia plena!
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auxilium translation and audio pronunciation. texting, Text sms phrases, SMS lingo, Tweat, Txt messaging language auxilium has the following definition + add your definition help help is used in Latin. Auxilium Latinum—which means Latin help—is a U.S. magazine printed in Latin. Valete in Crastinum.
Auxilium översättning - Auxilium svenska hur man säger - latin
The Latin word auxilium in English vocab. Aid, help, assistance, support. auxilium, auxiliī, n In English: help, aid Auf deutsch: Hilfe (f), Beistand (m), Unterstützung (f), Hilfsmittel(n), pl: Hilfstruppen En Français: secours, aide, assistance, troupes de secours second declension Latin mottoes tend to be terse and open to several interpretations. Changing a single letter can drastically alter the reading and the composer of the motto may or may not have been fluent in Latin, so it may well happen that none of the offered translations actually match the original intention.
1001+ grundläggande fraser svenska - latin - Google böcker, resultat
auxilium-online.net - Das kostenlose und offene Lateinwörterbuch Auxilium definition is - an aid or tribute. Love words? You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. auxilium auxilia: genitiv auxiliī: auxiliōrum: dativ auxiliō: auxiliīs: akuzativ auxilium auxilia: vokativ auxilium auxilia: ablativ auxiliō: auxiliīs I. AUXILIUM Consuetudinarium Vaslallorum et aliorum hominum tenentium de dominico et de feodis, in Regesto, Philippi Aug. II. AUXILIUM apud Recentiores, vox in Forofrequens, Gall. Ayde, droit d ayde.
Auxili. If the noun is masculine second declension, clarify the vocative ending.
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noun. en help; succor; assistance; relief. +1 definitions. Tum colligata necessitudinis vincula in sua manebunt firmitate, auxilio etiam subsidioque intermisso. Then the bonds of solidarity will endure, even when the aid programs are past and gone.
Usage Frequency: 1. Quality: Excellent. Reference: Anonymous. Latin.
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aid noun. subsidium, praesidium, auxiliatus, suppetiae, subpetiae. help noun. Iuris diplomate acquisito, auxilium dedit in studio iuris in capite provinciae Austriae Laibachis (hodie appellatur Liubiana).
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Från professionella översättare, företag, webbsidor och fritt tillgängliga Infoga Avbryt. Latin.